Monday 25 May 2009

♥ 26th May 2009 ♥

Today we edited our websites that we made before.

We made links to the buttons so that when someone clicks on them, it leads them to another site that i made.

This is another site that i made, it was for CAS week.

Monday 18 May 2009

19th May 2009

Today we made a website for STC!

It was ok...I enjoyed putting the photos on and stuff but it was a bit easy.

First we had to save the file 'Images' into our file. Then we had to go to Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 and make a website name and stuff. Then we put the photos on kind of like a word document. Then we did rollover images for the buttons.

I would like to make my own website using Dreamweaver CS3 but i dont think i would have the time.

Monday 11 May 2009

Health Week

It's health week!

T oday we designed a netball or Hockey outfit.
Mine is up there.

Monday 4 May 2009

5th May 2009

This lesson we made a website!! :D

It was really fun and easy, and i enjoyed it a lot.
We made a favourite pages site and we could change the colour and add pictures to it. The size of my file "index" was 271 bytes after i added a title but after i added colour and two pictures, it changed to 368 bytes.

That was when we made the site with notepad.

When we made it with Word Document it was very easy but when we opened the page and went to View>Page Source> Then it came up with LOADS of html codes, so i learnt Word Document isn't very good for making websites :P.

I'm definitely gonna edit my site everyday!!

Wanna see my site? Go here...