Monday 15 December 2008

16th December

Merry Christmas

Decorating the Christmas Tree

Web Quest ( True/False/Not Proven)
1. Jesus was born on December 25th - Not Proven

2. The Bible says that exactly three wise men travelled from afar on camels to visit the infant Jesus as he lay in the manger.- Not Proven

3. Two of Santa's reindeer were originally named 'Dunder' and 'Blixem,' not 'Donner' and 'Blitzen.'- True

4. Poinsettia plants are poisonous to humans.- False

5. The name of Boxing Day comes from the need to rid the house of empty boxes the day after Christmas. - False

6. Christmas cards date to 1843. - True
7. The tradition of the Christmas tree dates back to the days of the Egyptians, Romans, and Druids. - False

9. The term 'Xmas' is an abbreviation of Christmas. It has no other meaning. - False
10. The Original Father Christmas was Christian- True

11. The red and white striped candy canes represent a shepherd's crook- True,

12. The word 'carol' originally referred to a ring-dance which meant a song that could be danced to -

13. Father Christmas is the same as Santa Claus -

14 Holly is a traditional decoration at Christmas because its spikes are meant to represent the Crown of Thorns -

15. Some people dread Christmas because they suffer from 'Pogonophobia' - a fear of beards.-

Custom Glitter Text

Monday 8 December 2008

9th December 2008


Answer 5 ( Finished ) :D

This was easy because all i had to do was read the booklet, and it told me the answers.

Assignment 6 Booklet questions...

The booklet qestions were kind of annoying because the first one told us to add 5 people to the form, FIVE PEOPLE. That including there ID, date they were there, First name, Last name etc.


imagine doing FIVE of these
... and then we lost all our work! ... that was very very annoying because we thought you were supposed to right click and do it on design view but we were supposed to do it on Form whoops.. hehe!! by we i mean Prudence, me and Monika .

Answer 6 (Unfinished)

I did not have time to finish this ..oh so sad:(
I did answer ONE question! At least i got it right :)

Monday 1 December 2008

2nd December 2008

Assignment answers:

Answer 5

I did not finish this assignment for there was no time left in the lesson.

Answer 4

I found this Question quite easy but it didn't make that much sense in the booklet on how to do it, but in the end i got it done :D.

Answer 3

This assignment was easy but, like what happened in old assignments some of the answers were not corrected.