Monday 8 December 2008

9th December 2008


Answer 5 ( Finished ) :D

This was easy because all i had to do was read the booklet, and it told me the answers.

Assignment 6 Booklet questions...

The booklet qestions were kind of annoying because the first one told us to add 5 people to the form, FIVE PEOPLE. That including there ID, date they were there, First name, Last name etc.


imagine doing FIVE of these
... and then we lost all our work! ... that was very very annoying because we thought you were supposed to right click and do it on design view but we were supposed to do it on Form whoops.. hehe!! by we i mean Prudence, me and Monika .

Answer 6 (Unfinished)

I did not have time to finish this ..oh so sad:(
I did answer ONE question! At least i got it right :)

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